The death toll from COVID-19 in the USA is now over 60,000, more than a quarter of the world’s total. This six week total exceeds the number of Americans who died in two decades of the Vietnam War!

The Trumpet’s response? Focus on getting re-elected. Firstly he is planning on travelling to Arizona next week for a rally, in a State that his advisers are saying he is losing ground to Joe Biden. Thereafter to Ohio. Secondly he is not planning on renewing the governments social distance guidelines next week. In a tweet today, the Trumpet noted that Sweden was facing a much higher death rate from the virus than neighbors Norway and Finland, which have both implemented lockdown procedures to stop the virus from spreading…..ergo …surely we continue with social distancing? DUH! Why are these absolutely crucial decisions in the hands of one man for whom re–election is all consuming right now? What happened to our political checks and balances system so valued by our Framers?

It is time for congress to take back some of the powers it has relinquished. It has allowed its authority to crumble, on impeachment, on oversight, on war powers and on budgetary matters. That squandered power has shifted to the executive branch. Come on Congress. Lets see some guts and action, for the sake of the American people, no matter who is President. Congress, strengthen your backbone!

Apparently the Trumpet’s advisers are telling him Florida, Wisconsin and Michigan are going blue also. The Trumpet, fuming at his sliding poll numbers, was heard shouting through the phone at his campaign manager Brad Pascale, threatening to sue him! The blame game continues… on the most important issue of the day?

