Pants on Fire!

The COVID-19 virus started in a Chinese laboratory and was purposely released to thwart the Trumpets re-election chances. Sounds plausible. I suppose the chief scientist there was a Kenyan by the name of Barack Obama?

On Covid-19… the Trumpets proclamations?

Feb 7th…”The virus could weaken when we get into April, in the warmer weather – that has a very negative effect on that, and that type of virus.”

Feb 27th …”It is going to disappear, (the virus). One day its like a miracle. Its going to disappear.”

Multiple times…deaths by suicide “definitely would be in far greater numbers than were talking about for Covid-19 deaths.” 

The Obama administration response to the H1N1 pandemic was “a full scale disaster with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now”… the truth? Obama declared a public health emergency two weeks after the first U.S. cases of H1N1 were reported. It took the Trumpet seven weeks after the first domestic Covid-19 case was reported to declare a national emergency.

The Trumpet travel restrictions on China were a “ban” that closed up the “entire” United States and “kept China out”. In reality nearly 40,000 people arrived from China, from Feb 2, (the start of ‘the ban’), to April 4th!

Other Trumpet Pinnochiolas?

The GOP health bill will “cover pre-existing conditions”….NOT

The Trumpet inauguration was the most attended ever….NOT

The Trumpet won more popular votes than Hillary….NOT.

I have not had sex with other women…the payoffs to them were because.. “Mikey..can you take this one?”

We could go on for an hour. The Trumpet’s problem with the truth is many faceted and a professional psychoanalysis would be very interesting to see.

My take?….Firstly he imagines that he has a Doctorate…. in everything. Secondly his mouth is out of sync with his brain, by about ten minutes. Thirdly he is a simple man…ergo…there must be a simple solution to every problem. Why does everyone want to make issues so complicated? Fourthly, he loves the limelight and so puts himself out there trying to answer every question instead of letting the experts step forward. When he finishes his press conference diatribe and asks for questions, it would be much better if the media stayed absolutely silent, until those with the educated answers step forward. It could prevent him lying, or at least from muddying the waters. Come on White house correspondents….use your heads….give him the silent treatment!…..OR…



                “We would like you to take the Fifth”







Trumps Vietnam?

The death toll from COVID-19 in the USA is now over 60,000, more than a quarter of the world’s total. This six week total exceeds the number of Americans who died in two decades of the Vietnam War!

The Trumpet’s response? Focus on getting re-elected. Firstly he is planning on travelling to Arizona next week for a rally, in a State that his advisers are saying he is losing ground to Joe Biden. Thereafter to Ohio. Secondly he is not planning on renewing the governments social distance guidelines next week. In a tweet today, the Trumpet noted that Sweden was facing a much higher death rate from the virus than neighbors Norway and Finland, which have both implemented lockdown procedures to stop the virus from spreading…..ergo …surely we continue with social distancing? DUH! Why are these absolutely crucial decisions in the hands of one man for whom re–election is all consuming right now? What happened to our political checks and balances system so valued by our Framers?

It is time for congress to take back some of the powers it has relinquished. It has allowed its authority to crumble, on impeachment, on oversight, on war powers and on budgetary matters. That squandered power has shifted to the executive branch. Come on Congress. Lets see some guts and action, for the sake of the American people, no matter who is President. Congress, strengthen your backbone!

Apparently the Trumpet’s advisers are telling him Florida, Wisconsin and Michigan are going blue also. The Trumpet, fuming at his sliding poll numbers, was heard shouting through the phone at his campaign manager Brad Pascale, threatening to sue him! The blame game continues… on the most important issue of the day?




The Silence of the Lambs

The Trumpet administration is enacting a 1950’s law, the ‘Defense Production Act’, to compel meat packing plants to stay open despite the industry’s 330 diagnosed Covid-19 cases, and 20 dead. The argument is that our chicken, pork and beef supplies will be diminished to harmful levels if plants continue to close. There can be a good case for the Trumpet’s action, but true to form, he is not listening to the experts to do it properly. Where are his advisers?

Adherence to already stated federal safety guidelines to protect against the deadly virus have not been deemed mandatory by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, (OSHA). Why on earth not? Richard Trumka, the president of the AFLCIO Union has said, “Using executive power to force people back to the job without proper protections is wrong and dangerous”. Its hard to disagree with common sense.

Similarly, the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, (UFCW), is demanding that the Trump administration compel meat companies to provide proper protective equipment and ensure daily testing for slaughterhouse workers. They believe that the executive order simply provides legal cover to companies in case employees catch the virus.

C’mon Trumpet. Stop with the simplistic approach to everything and listen to all possible expertise on an issue before jumping the gun. To his close associates and advisers..the quiet lambs around him. Reign him in…he is self destructing, and taking most of you with him!


“To go with the ‘steak well done’ sir, may I recommend the no name                                                     box red?”

Trumpet’s SCOTUS or America’s?

The United States Congress has issued subpoenas for the Trumpet’s financial records from Mazars USA, his accountant, Deutsche Bank and Capital One. A year ago two federal judges in Washington D.C. and New York ruled separately that Congress can proceed with their subpoenas. The Trumpet then filed lawsuits with his Supreme Court, (SCOTUS), to block them.

On this past Monday SCOTUS asked attorneys for both the Democratic Congress and the Trumpet to submit briefs addressing whether the courts have the authority to rule on these disputes.

The rulings under dispute?…The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York ruled unanimously that state prosecutors can compel third parties to turn over documents for use in a grand jury proceeding. The trumpet argues that he is immune from criminal prosecution while in office. In a second case, the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C. declined to block ‘The House Oversight and Reform Committee’s’ subpoena. The third slate of subpoenas was issued from the ‘House Financial Services and Intelligence’ committees and once again the 2nd Circuit declined to block them.

In two previous cases concerning presidential power, SCOTUS has ruled unanimously against the sitting president. Nixon had to turn over the White House tapes, and a sexual harassment case against Clinton was allowed to go forward. But those were different days, with different Supreme Courts! Let us see if we still have an impartial Supreme Court, or an extension of the Presidency. 

What on earth can the Trumpet be hiding? The fact that he is broke? Illegal transactions? Whatever it is, he deems it harmful to him personally, or to his businesses. Three years ago we were told his taxes were under review by the IRS, so could not be disclosed. Yet another of his history of lies. If we were to document them all in a book, it would be bigger than the Complete Works of Shakespeare.

What will Democratic congressional leader Chuck Schumer’s bid be, in his next game of bridge? See below!


                                 “One no Trump”


The Blame Game

China did not do enough to shutdown the initial Covid-19 outbreak, and it seems under-reported cases. These are probably the only two valid blame game accusations by the Trumpet. “It originated in a Chinese lab” and “may have been released on purpose” began the ridiculous diatribe of accusations.

Next it was the World Health Organization who came under Trumpet fire for not recognizing that China had a pandemic out there, the intonation being that had the USA known the seriousness, we could have been better prepared. Maybe we could have been better prepared if the administration had not eliminated the National Security Council’s key global heath post in recent months, and if they had not also cancelled funding for global pandemic research!

Next we hear the Trumpet say he has the authority to compel all State Governors to follow his set of guidelines for dealing with the pandemic. Within a few days he had walked that back, looking for cooperation from States. Then the States were at fault for the pandemic deaths, especially Democratic governors like Cuomo of New York.

Then the media, especially CNN, were the problem with White House correspondents asking tough questions and reporting ‘fake news’. The administration next tried to have a CNN reporter moved to the back of the room. Being unsuccessful in this, the Trumpet gave his shortest news conference yet, and left, in a tizz, without taking any questions. Later he tweeted that news conferences were “not worth the time and effort”.

Apparently the blame game has come full circle with new ads from the Trumpets super PAC attempting to divert attention from the administration’s heavily criticized response to Covid-19 by blaming the Chinese. Republican senators in upcoming close electoral races also see this as the best strategy.

If we see the Trumpet again in a Covid-19 news conference, somebody tell him to keep his comments as brief and truthful as possible, then leave the room and let the experts do the talking and answer the questions.


Think of me as a congressional oversight committee…I take credit for good news and conduct a hearing to play the blame game with bad news”


Hummingbird Marvel

Facts folks may be interested in, and indeed shocked by!

Weighing in at less than a nickel, some North American hummingbirds migrate three thousand miles a year, from Mexico to Alaska! Their wings move at seventy times a second, while their heart rate gets up to 1200 beats a second. They visit up to a thousand flowers a day and are the only birds able to fly backwards.

Make a friend. Hummingbirds can recognize the person that refills their sugar feeder and can buzz them when it is empty or has gone bad. Although most birds that hatch from the half inch egg will die within the first year, those that live have a life span of up to five years. They can fly at fifty miles an hour, and often sleep hanging upside down when their heart rate decreases to a mere 250 times a minute.

So put out your hummingbird feeder and keep it filled over the summer. Say hello to my little friend, especially when quarantine limits our interaction with nature. Make your own cane sugar water. It’l be the cheapest and certainly the smallest pet you ever had!

“Me too. When I try and tweet the line’s                                always busy”


Oh Lordy. What’s next? Donald Trumpet M.D. has made another faux pas, in front of the whole world yet again. When will he quit embarrassing the office of  the President, his Administration, his family and our Country? He has a remarkable physiological quality. His mouth moves ten minutes before his brain. Surely if he was able to think in time he would not make such erroneous statements.

Within a few hours Billy Liar was back at it again, denying he was ever serious, even though he is on camera asking the medical staff to check out the veracity of disinfectant injections. Are we in the rabbit warren with Alice? Is Lardo Trumpet Tweedledee or Tweedledum? (I was already convinced he was Humpty Dumpty, sitting on his wall).

Let’s not forget that this is the man who is on camera saying he likes to grab women by the crutch….and adding that they like it! The man who insisted that the inaugural was the biggest ever, that he had the most popular votes in the election. This is the man who boasted he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose voters. I am dreaming right?

In Pamplona, Italy, they have the annual running of the bulls. In Washington D.C. we have the periodic running of the mouth, and anything can spew forth. For heavens sake put a sock in it! And while you’re at it, maybe a glass of disinfectant.


“I too was destined for the White House until I realized I                             didn’t have a selective memory”.

Art?…Let’s be Serious!

O.K. I get a canvas twenty five feet wide by six feet tall, lay it on the floor and run back and forth over it with open cans of paint and then flick a loaded brush at it for an hour or two. Then sign Jackson Pollock, and wait for the plaudits from the art connoisseurs!

I saw a Rauschenberg in the Tate gallery some forty years ago. It was a stuffed goat on a turntable with a car tire around it’s neck! Viewers were invited to spin it around. I recognized it immediately as a masterpiece. Sticking out from the wall nearby was a kitchen sink complete with faucet, reminding me a little of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

I remember a Yoko Ono exhibition in New York’s Moma with a maze that one followed until arriving in the middle at a toilet. Memories of Michelangelo’s David? In the same exhibit was a pile of building bricks that one was invited to re-arrange. Maybe more akin to Donatello’s David?

In 2014 a Robert Ryman painting, an all white canvas, sold for fifteen million dollars! The only explanation could be that the buyer had secretly had the painting x-rayed beforehand to reveal a Rembrandt.

When the French Impressionists started displaying their work in the late nineteenth century, critics guffawed and ridiculed their beautiful “plein air” canvases. Many of these genius painters could not even get their works shown in galleries. This continued for several years until a gradual quiet “oops” could be heard from the sadly misguided art connoisseurs. Soon the deserved appreciation was to be bestowed, and real masterpieces displayed for the world to see.

Since that time, the art critic community has been mortally afraid of making similar mistakes, and pieced together psychological and philosophical gobbledygook to validate what is, to the astute man on the street, unadulterated crap! Next time you go to an art gallery and see an exit sign be careful. It might be a work of art. As one who graduated from art school and who has studied in most of the great art galleries of the world, I consider myself “the man on the street”.

The acid test for those who disagree with me? Put one of these modern masterpieces alongside a three year old’s painting and have the connoisseur pick out the “work of art”.


“Michelangelo’s sketch for the center piece your Holiness’.


Lockdown…my heaven?

How on earth can folks have a problem with a lockdown? No work, no people to have to talk to, no random shopping with the wife except for groceries. The only real beef can be no weekly pay packet!….And of course that is a bummer, despite all the promised payouts from the Feds, that I personally haven’t seen yet. File for unemployment …GOOD LUCK with that, although I am trying.

I am especially blessed with family that is generously helping us out financially, so lockdown is a chance for me to catch up on those dozens of home repairs and much needed yard maintenance. Television? Without sports, not for me. Movies? Only one in a hundred appeals to me, so why bother? Great time for sailing but I had to sell my sailboat! Great time for golf  but courses are closed. Great time for blogging…..ah…yes.

I have to come clean. The only reason I am writing this blog is because I created a pretty good cartoon…below. Hope you enjoy it and sorry for the rambling.


“It’s agreed then. From now on you work full time from                        home and never contact us again.”