China did not do enough to shutdown the initial Covid-19 outbreak, and it seems under-reported cases. These are probably the only two valid blame game accusations by the Trumpet. “It originated in a Chinese lab” and “may have been released on purpose” began the ridiculous diatribe of accusations.

Next it was the World Health Organization who came under Trumpet fire for not recognizing that China had a pandemic out there, the intonation being that had the USA known the seriousness, we could have been better prepared. Maybe we could have been better prepared if the administration had not eliminated the National Security Council’s key global heath post in recent months, and if they had not also cancelled funding for global pandemic research!

Next we hear the Trumpet say he has the authority to compel all State Governors to follow his set of guidelines for dealing with the pandemic. Within a few days he had walked that back, looking for cooperation from States. Then the States were at fault for the pandemic deaths, especially Democratic governors like Cuomo of New York.

Then the media, especially CNN, were the problem with White House correspondents asking tough questions and reporting ‘fake news’. The administration next tried to have a CNN reporter moved to the back of the room. Being unsuccessful in this, the Trumpet gave his shortest news conference yet, and left, in a tizz, without taking any questions. Later he tweeted that news conferences were “not worth the time and effort”.

Apparently the blame game has come full circle with new ads from the Trumpets super PAC attempting to divert attention from the administration’s heavily criticized response to Covid-19 by blaming the Chinese. Republican senators in upcoming close electoral races also see this as the best strategy.

If we see the Trumpet again in a Covid-19 news conference, somebody tell him to keep his comments as brief and truthful as possible, then leave the room and let the experts do the talking and answer the questions.


Think of me as a congressional oversight committee…I take credit for good news and conduct a hearing to play the blame game with bad news”