Oh Lordy. What’s next? Donald Trumpet M.D. has made another faux pas, in front of the whole world yet again. When will he quit embarrassing the office of  the President, his Administration, his family and our Country? He has a remarkable physiological quality. His mouth moves ten minutes before his brain. Surely if he was able to think in time he would not make such erroneous statements.

Within a few hours Billy Liar was back at it again, denying he was ever serious, even though he is on camera asking the medical staff to check out the veracity of disinfectant injections. Are we in the rabbit warren with Alice? Is Lardo Trumpet Tweedledee or Tweedledum? (I was already convinced he was Humpty Dumpty, sitting on his wall).

Let’s not forget that this is the man who is on camera saying he likes to grab women by the crutch….and adding that they like it! The man who insisted that the inaugural was the biggest ever, that he had the most popular votes in the election. This is the man who boasted he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose voters. I am dreaming right?

In Pamplona, Italy, they have the annual running of the bulls. In Washington D.C. we have the periodic running of the mouth, and anything can spew forth. For heavens sake put a sock in it! And while you’re at it, maybe a glass of disinfectant.


“I too was destined for the White House until I realized I                             didn’t have a selective memory”.